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Current Research

Does Having a History of Eating Disorders Make You More Susceptible to Nicotine Addiction Within Dancers?

Primary Investigator: Liz Connor

University of Florida, Dance Department

Associated with research since 2024

My research is an interdisciplinary process that combines psychology with dance. There is a high prevalence rate of eating disorders among dancers, which puts them at higher risk for developing problems such as osteoporosis. I have noticed that many dancers consume nicotine, a substance known to reduce appetite. Eating disorders and nicotine both affect dopamine levels in the brain. I hypothesize that dancers are at a higher risk for developing a nicotine addiction due to altered dopamine levels from a preexisting eating disorder. I was inspired to conduct this research because I have seen firsthand how so many of my peers have been affected by eating disorders and nicotine addictions.

After I conduct my research, I will produce a dance film based on my findings. I am passionate about findings ways to combine dance and psychology, specifically within research.


Previous Research

To What Extent Does High Perfectionism Among Dancers Influence Symptoms for Eating Disorders, or is Perfectionism a Consequence of Disordered Eating Behaviors?

IB Senior Thesis


How Misleading Questions Affect Eyewitness Reports

IB Internal Assessment


The Stroop Effect: Automatic Versus Controlled Processing on Reaction Responses

IB Internal Assessment


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